Wood Badge Event Photos
Wood Badge Event Photos were a donation of my time with love for my father, Ray Landrum, who is a participant & leader in the Wood Badge program.
What is Wood Badge?
Wood Badge is Scouting’s premier training course for adult leaders. It provides participants with practical tools to fulfill the aims and methods of the Scouting program. Wood Badge is leadership training for all Scout leaders including Scouters in Cub Scouting and Scouts BSA, Venturing Advisors, and all levels of BSA professional staff. This course draws on the leadership skills developed by the Boy Scouts of America, as well as on current leadership and team development models used by corporate America. It is also used in academic circles and many successful outdoor leadership organizations throughout the country, presenting the latest in the leadership theory and team development.
The Wood Badge Training
As a participant in this course you will learn and develop leadership skills that will enhance your ability to deliver the promise of Scouting to your youth members. The course is carried out within the context of Scouting ideals and service to young people. It fosters fellowship, the spirit of brotherhood and a deep dedication.The Wood Badge training will teach you leadership skills and how to apply them in Scouting and in your life. The course offers team building, listening and communication skills, and project and change management. It also offers conflict management and resolution, coaching, mentoring and evaluation skills. There are a variety of fun projects and interactive games that will encourage you to practice the skills you will be learning. There will be classroom instruction also.Finally, Wood Badge is the embodiment of Scouting spirit. Associations and friendships made during the course often last a lifetime. Wood Badge recipients now number more than 100,000 and can be found in all corners of the world.Click here to contact me about booking your event photography.